I don't know really understand how USA is able to print so much money , maybe they are using all their supplies and securities that they had and now I genuinely thought that it would for sure stop at the second or the third but it continues to baffle me.
Will the price of the dollar fall?
Will people invest it into bitcoins ?
Will the stimulus reach the homeless people too?
There are certain websites which do provide a detailed idea of if the person qualifies for a stimulus or no at the same time we have not seen a significant improvement in the COVID cases in the US. They still have to work hard towards that , maybe give people masks and sanitizers with the stimulus. Don't know really why people hate masks there though.
A small quote from a website :
Citigroup says U.S. dollar may drop by 20% next year on vaccine push. The dollar is likely to begin a drop of as much as 20 per cent in 2021 should COVID-19 vaccines become widely distributed and help to revive global trade and economic growth, according to Citigroup Inc.
This is to be expected for sure. We don't know really how far this will drop to.