
Topic: Biden & Trudeau Are The Greatest Advertisements For Crypto + Downfall Of USD (Read 43 times)

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In the future, I wonder if historians will ever look back on this particular point in time and recognise the remarkable 'coincidences' in time. At exactly the same time that the emergency powers they granted themselves due to COVID started to fade away, Congress and the United States Government are now pushing for all-out economic conflict with Russia.

1. US-Russia

No American had/has been killed, yet the Biden Administration, without hesitation, practically declared all out economic war on a sovereign nation. No meaningful debate or Congressional consideration required, the United States 'destroyed' the Russian currency, then removed Russia from an international banking system, and then impoverished its population. Then, the Administration began seizing the property of anyone who was deemed 'affiliated' without due process or a trial of any kind, without bothering to explain what crime had been committed - this has never happened before, the integrity of the system has always been the upmost important. Since the target is Russia, very few Americans/people in general have bothered to take notice of this or ask simple questions such as, 'where is this going?'. How long until they do something similar but instead to their domestic enemies in the US itself - accuse you of a hard-to-define crime, seize your assets and declare you an enemy of the state and then confiscate your economic identity, we saw it in Canada in reaction to a peaceful protest after all. Then they'll tell you that you shouldn't use Bitcoin or crypto. Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are the greatest advertisements that the cryptocurrency and web3 industry could ever ask for, and they don't even know it.

2. Censorship

All you're allowed to think about instead is Ukraine, but not too deeply, they don't want you asking questions about the bio-labs there. Why do the US have bio-labs in Ukraine, one of the poorest European countries, not known for their biomedical engineering prowess - it's a curious question to any sane mind, but you're not allowed to think about that or you'll be censored and your posts will be removed. Fight "tyranny" with tyranny itself.

The tech monopolies now exert vast control over public opinion - that has no precedent in public history. A medieval church now has less command over a society's emotions and beliefs than Twitter and TikTok. These companies define who you are allowed to hate. Depending on the narrative at that time, people dutifully change their avatars and bios to BLM signs or #MasksUp, and now Ukrainian flag emojis. Each crisis is now stage-managed. This current situation is the greatest advertisement for the concept of decentralisation that anyone could ever put forward, and it's being done by the US Government and the tech monopolies themselves, those who would be amongst the biggest losers of mass crypto adoption.

Putin should be awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine as he has essentially ended COVID, as well as the current US crisis on the Southern Border, you don't hear about them anymore. It's one 'crisis' onto another. The US population are being so skilfully manipulated in a way that has never been seen before.

3. Inflation

Inflation is so bad right now that even affluent members of society are worried about the consequences - those who earn £250k plus are now fearing for the future. What about those who earn £50k, or even £30k for example, as most American and British people do, they're probably terrified. Again, the Biden Administration are practically free advertising for crypto, but they just don't realise it yet. They'll probably address that in the future, give themselves emergency powers again to ban crypto transactions and freeze your accounts. The America COMPETES Act of 2022, a bill designed to blueprint economic competition with China, was recently modified. A particular article was edited, one that would give the head of the Treasury, an un-elected member by the way, overwhelming authority to block and ban any cryptocurrency transaction on a centralised exchange under the pretext of 'suspicious activity'. The Treasury would not be required to explain themselves, or take the matter to court, they would have overall power to ban you, and that's that. See Charles Hoskinson (founder of IOHK & Cardano) talk about this in a video on Youtube for more information: (Charles Hoskinson - America COMPETES, another dumpster fire).

When Joe Biden became President, the supply of USD hit a record high, and kept rising, month after month after month. Despite what the US Government may tell you, inflation is in fact dependent on the monetary supply. In the months after the 2008 financial crisis, the Government & Fed assumed themselves emergency powers to respond to the collapse - notice a theme, emergency powers in response to crises they created? The Fed cut interest rates and started printing money in an attempt to avert the crisis. This would've worked if it had ended, but it never did, it's still going after 14 years. What was designed to save the economy, has actually tarnished it. Asset inflation has become the basis for the upper end.

4. Energy

From a recent video made by the White House - I'm very grateful that the intern running the page kept the comments open: , Jen Psaki recently said that "gas prices going up ... are because of Vladimir Putin" and that there are "9000 approved unused permits not being used by oil companies", implying it's their fault. Apparently oil companies don't want to make money.

The woman who majored in Gender Studies, has appointed the blame to the oil companies, for not using permits on pieces of land that are not fruitful at all. Why not tap into Alaska? Hundreds of millions of barrels just waiting to be extracted - the US would become energy independent and could start exporting oil and natural gas to allies in Europe. Adopt crypto, use the $1.5 trillion of tax money collected in the first 5 months of fiscal 2022 for something productive, fund the drillings in Alaska and become, as they would have under Trump, energy independent. Seems like a good plan, but no.

4.1. Energy Crises & USD

Putin invading Ukraine caused some market changes yes, but the reaction by Biden and Congress has ruined the economy.

The White House just banned Russian oil imports, for example, oil prices recently rose, which is what happens when you shake up a market like that - Americans immediately suffer. But you're supposed to be okay with this, because it's a "moral victory against Putin". If we take a second to consider every angle, you come to realise that Putin actually emerges as a winner from this situation. Russia are a major oil producer, Jen Psaki said this and everyone knows this, it's factual. That would mean that higher oil prices, would help Putin. They make Putin, the Saudis, Iran, and Venezuela much richer, because Russia can still export in global markets. This tells you that Putin is not the loser, he's the winner, the United States are the losers.

It's not just oil, thanks to the mismanagement of the Administration, commodities are up dramatically, nickel went up 250% in 2 days - those are shitcoin numbers. Fertilisers (Russia and Belarus are the two largest exporters of fertiliser in Europe), wheat etc, all sky high in commodity terms. In other words, it's the best tax increase of your life.

It can get worse, oil is traded in USD - 'petrodollars'. Why would the world continue to trade oil in USD, a fact that greatly benefits the United States, when there's market uncertainty imposed by political forces on oil markets? There is/would be a huge incentive to trade oil in other currencies - the Digital Yen, Euro, Pound Sterling, or even Bitcoin. There would be newly emerging and competitive markets.  When you attack the global financial systems to restate, you're attacking the United States. The Biden Administration's response to the Ukraine invasion, may quite possibly be the single most damaging reaction to a crisis that we will ever see.

In the future, if the USD was ever replaced as the world's reserve currency by say Digital Yen or Bitcoin, the United States would then be entitled to pay the $30trillion debt they currently find themselves in. That is a major economic winter waiting to happen in the United States.

5. Overview

6% inflation, economic war with Russia, ignition of the 3rd Gaza War, proxy wars, a border crisis, Afghanistan now back in the control of 8th century barbarians with access to high-end military equipment, a Congress willing to sacrifice a $2t crypto industry in apparent order to compete with China economically, a Government wanting to indoctrinate children by teaching them about sexual identity and trans ideology when they're 6 years old, censorship, etc. Electing Joe Biden over Donald Trump might be the largest mistake we have ever seen, and to think that radicals were celebrating in the streets when Biden was announced.

All of these are supposedly not a problem to you though, as long as you're putting Ukraine flag emojis, rainbows, and made up pronouns in your Twitter bio, you'll be fine.
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