Every 24 hours, earn 1% of their investments using "Billenium" project.
Do i get 1% of the profit you guys made, or do i get 1% ontop of my original investing amount?
If it's the latter, it seems pretty obvious to me that this MUST be a ponzi? You can't garantuee 1% dividend
daily. No company can...?
Working with our project, you are guaranteed to receive a daily profit on your crypto currency wallet. Profit is generated through the reinvestment of our depositors' funds into the most promising online start-up´s, ICO, and also through the use of accumulated assets for trading on exchanges.
That's a yikes for me. There's no such thing as a legit business offering "garantueed profits" amounting to 1% a day. That would be 3,678.02% a year. Insane.
If you don't mind me asking.
Where does this metric come from? Is there any kind of transparency? Can you validate your claim that you have over 20k "
Investors"? That looks sketchy as hell.