Might be a good time to dump some of that BNB
Sorry but why are you trying to download BNB just because the site is momentarily down?
So a few months ago, you had to sell all your ETHs because the etherscan network was blocking every new big ICO?
Or then abandon polinex or bittrex because when a new coin is added they go down.
This is the first ICO on BNB.
Take the time to grow and improve this new exchange!
Well, a company that ruined my morning, and didn't plan ahead around issues. But it's all OK, I made money on BNB, and repurchased at a cheaper price. I guess that will make up for it for now. However, the fact they call this ICO a "Success" is pretty funny. Still lame, I spent two hours trying to get the TRON purchase, had to go to work for an hour, come back and it was all purchased.
I'm gonna ride it out a little longer, but not impressed.