you have to read the TOS,they do not go around randomly blocking accounts
they do that for people who create rings of multis to abuse faucets
some clever guys were using hundreds of aaccounts to claim faucets day and night
if you as admin paying 0.5 bitcoins a day in faucet wins,you are certainly going to fight the abuse
bitsler is doing exactly that,also don't like the statements without any proof to back it up
who was blocked,when,why
here answer of support
Angelina (Bitsler)
6 дeк., 5:05 EET
Oчeнь xoтeлocь бы в этo вepить, нo вaш IP aдpec и кoличecтвo aккayнтoв нa нeм гoвopят oб oбpaтнoм.
ЗAПPEЩEHO имeть бoлee 2 aккayнтoв нa чeлoвeкa/IP aдpec/дoм/ceмью и тд.
Ecли вaш пpoвaйдep выдaeт 1 aдpec нa 1000 чeлoвeк , тo мы здecь ничeгo нe cмoжeм пoдeлaть.
Cиcтeмa pacпoзнaeт вaш aккayнт и aккayнты cвязaнныe c вaшим aккayнтoм, кaк мyльтиaккayнтинг .
Mнe жaль, Baм нaдo paзбиpaтьcя c вaшим пpoвaйдepoм.
Bceгo дoбpoгo,
It is English thread so you should try to translate and post your comment otherwise difficult to understand. Here is the translated answer.
6 Dec., 5:05 EET
I would very much like to believe this, but your IP address and the number of accounts on it indicate the opposite.
It is PROHIBITED to have more than 2 accounts per person / IP address / home / family and so on.
If your provider issues 1 address per 1000 people, then we can not do anything here.
The system recognizes your account and the accounts associated with your account as multi-account.
I'm sorry, you need to deal with your ISP.
All the best,
I feel that if gambler not accusing with referrals or faucet but always playing with their money in those multi-accounts then should allow having more accounts. My place also it is shared IP addresses so I can't do anything on that part.
Because admin can always check this part easily. It is just my opinion.