I have brought thus up for weeks, the pool.gold like exchange started this scam two weeks ago, the DEVS just delete any mention on github.com/btcgpu that none of the software 'testnet' is actually doing anything, all the block-explorer and the pools are just 'faux sites' displaying activity.
Right now today 1000K sols/sec on ZENCASH would earn you $1000 USD/day, not a bad ROI for a bulgarian? The Chinese Triads who OWN BTC asia-asic are raking in millions of USD/BTC on the exchange scams and the russians (yobit.net) and the bulgarians are running their own pool scams. 400+ idiot miners on pool.gold think they're really mining. Just like 1,000's of 'investors' on yobit.net think that BTG is a 'real coin', has never existed, nor will it ever exist because the DEV's don't know C++. Nobody cares, because everybody is making money. Even the BTC community is silent & complicity because they're getting "FREE" BTG's for their OMERTA.
You can't actually mine a testnet coin and get a payout, because none of the 'glue' exists.
1000k sols/sec, 400 miners ALL think they're really mining, but they're not even running a testnet that is real, the block-explorer is NOT using the same block-chain, the entire BTG system is an orchestrate scam to rob people on exchanges of BTC, and to re-direct real GPU Equihash POW to personal gain.
The dev's at github/btcgu no intention of ever delivering a working MAIN-NET, because they have no intention of delivering a working TESTNET.BTG is a scam, and the devs are part of the scam,
The dev's even removed the ability of testnet to generate 'G' address, the pool.gold ( owned by the same devs ) blocks virtual payouts to none G-address this ensures that only dev's get's payouts, but the payouts don't mean anything because you can run 500k sols/sec for a month and never see >0.0 "Getbalance" when you run "bgold-cli getbalance", this is because NONE of the code works or exists, the DEV's just say "never mine, it will be fixed in main-net", problem is the code isn't being tested, and doesn't work.
The BTG Dev's ( china asic ) have no intention of ever delivering a worker miner, they just want to play the ICO futures SCAM for months and keep people 100's redirections +1000K sols/sec hash to a FAUX pool, and redirect all the mining power to POOLS that payout. Right now today 1000K sols/sec on ZENCASH would earn you $1000 USD/day, not a bad ROI for a bulgarian? If you see the blocks paid, then go to explorer you can see they're not paid, nothing is paid, nothing actually works, 100% of all the BTG software is a fraud
miner --u "BTGisaSCAM" --p x --Server pool.gold --port 3044
The above is also a valid address on pool.gold because pool.gold doesn't validate any address they just let people hash equihash, then pool.gold redirects the hashes, its all part of the scam
The reason that you can enter --u "BTGisaSCAM" is because the pool.gold does NO address verification, they don't care about anything other than redirecting HASH to z-coins.
China pays these guys in bulgaria to run this scam called github.com/btcgpu,, these guys don't even know C++, they just make empty promises and delete any mention that this project is a 100% vaporware
In the meantime the Exchanges Make real money by stealing real BTC, even the blockchain explorer for BTG is a scam as it never reports real 'getbalance' as the code is non-existant.
The Dev's don't care, and now their current plan to deploy main-net is 2018, and people are burning 1000K sols/sec, 400 miners are pissing their rigs into the wind, and U can be certain that pool.gold is redirecting that HASH to real Zcoin's