Wrong section dude...
Well it is beginners & help and I think he's a beginner and he wants help lol...
I could go look at the ICO's but i'm not interested at all. Please do dilligent research and if you don't know then just stay away and try to learn more, taking advice from others might result in a bad time. Most ICO's are absolute garbage and only 1% is actually good. So judging soley by the statistics just provided I will say its utter garbage most likely.
Check these things if you want to get in on them:
- Do they have a MVP, prototype or finished product >no = stay away.
- Is their team experienced in the sector they want to tackle > no = stay away
- Does it have real usecase, is there a need for this to be tokenized (can't they just use existing crypto's or fiat?) > no=stay away.
- Is there a demand? Does it solve a problem currently existing in the market? > no = stay way.
- Does the supply make sense? What is the min/max cap, does that make sense? (100 million never makes sense) (most angel investors don't invest more as 100k-300k to get the project going and still have enough incentive for the devs to actually make something so they can become rich.) > no = stay away.
- Do they properly address problems/solutions? ALSO WITH THEIR OWN PRODUCT> no = stay away.
If 1/6 = no then stay away. Cause honestly ICO's are a great way for these projects to make a large sum of money without any responsibility to do anything. TRUST is the only thing you have in these deals.