Almost everything you have stated I disagree with.
If you think Core developers and Blockstream are the real threat to Satoshi's system,
then you have no idea what real threats are. Developers are
external entities to the
Bitcoin system who have no influence internally. On the other hand, miners are
Internal system who can steer or attack the network if they wished to.
When miners or other subsystems of Bitcoin become too powerful, they begin to exceed
their expected boundaries and begin to expand or attempt to absorb the power/authority
of the other sections. When that occurs, Bitcoin is fully centralized. Complaining
about developers choosing to design new tx scripts that attempt to correct vulnerabilities
as well as provide future capabilities, which may help prevent/slow the full centralization
of the Bitcoin Network, shows your hand and who you really are.
Voluntary developers, whether anon or not, is not really important. What is important is
whether Miners have centralized to the point that they will now force the participants and
the network to be a regulated and centralized payment system maintained by the Chinese
Government. That is what is actually occurring here. Placing the blame on developers who
have no internal power within the Bitcoin system itself, is extremely shortsighted and biased.
Your writing attributes "Oppression from developers" and "Freedom with Chinese Miners".
It is a very twisted viewpoint that most citizens of the world would laugh at without needing
to know what Bitcoin even is. The Great Chinese Firewall's existence alone proves my point.
(As a side for fun, the Universe is not designed to have opposition, as you argued.
When the universe began, matter and antimatter battled to determine what type of rules
this universe would be, and in very short time, matter won. Antimatter will never overtake
matter in this universe ever again. There is no universal opposition occurring as you think.
The rules are balanced and secured as long as there is no outside universal influence.
When this is applied to Bitcoin, the miners now have grown imbalanced and are attempting
to change the "universal rules" so that antimatter will have a retroactive technical knockout.
This is effectively an attack on the whole system today. If miners play blame games with
developers and hire their own who will manufacture their antimatter universe, those miners
will have manifested their own future destruction unknowingly. Developers (like Core) are
External entities whose only purpose is to discover issues and attempt to bring them back
into balance before the whole system collapses, while also implementing new features/
upgrades without adding to that imbalance. Any developer (paid by miners/exchanges/
etc or unpaid) who wishes to add to the imbalance purposefully because it is what the
miners want or an easier solution, is not doing their proper job. Those developers have
lost touch with reality because they no longer value security, but only profits and
ideology. Security and future balanced existence of the network is the only thing
developers should entertain.
If Miners one day get everything that they wish for, it will be nothing other than an
equal matter/antimatter annihilation. Bitcoin, as we know it, ceases to exist then.)