“We’re definitely pretty fascinated by it. The classic issue with Bitcoin is that it’s very early days,” Tyler said. “The entrepreneurs in the space are very impressive, but it takes really two areas of expertise: One is technology, and the second is understanding money services and regulation and all those things that are important for sustainability. Most entrepreneurs and companies we see in the space have the tech down, and they’re super strong there, but in terms of being buttoned up and looking like an average bank, it’s hard to couple both of them together. We think that BitInstant and Charlie do a fantastic job of doing both.”
I am not amused
Natürlich "This marks the third big-name funding news for Bitcoin startups in just a few days" aber der zweitgrößte, Europa based exchange wird eingeknastet, die Nummer 1 in Japan verklagt & beschlagnamt, und jetzt kommen die da mit frischem Geld rüber und neuen pretty fascinated und very excitet Investments.