Hey guys thanks for some great feedback.. I have been thinking about gold all day today and came to a new conclusion :
Also as long as we accept stolen gold as payment our leaders will always have their guns to enforce their injustice.VIDEO >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpZJUx5pmskGOLD ! A well-known “currency” and for thousands of years is has been a good long term storage of value...especially if we compare it with goods like wood, coffee, meat and other stuff that simple goes old over time. And certainly in Asia people understand it’s value, also in Asia it’s easy to trade as there is a gold shop on every corner. So it’s weird that In Europa and USA people will pay big money for plastic jewelry and not have any clue what the value of gold is. Personally if I had money to buy jewelry it should also be gold or silver as this would guarantee some return if I ever wanted to sell it. And I know for a fact that in some western countries their knowledge about gold is so limited that you couldn’t even buy a happy meal for an ounce of gold you would simply get rejected by the average citizens. Some people even view it as being “low class” to wear gold as jewelry which is total opposite compared to Asians that really loves their gold.
HOWEVER !!!!!! history has taught us that everything will and must changes, nothing stays the same and now with this new technology that the Blockchain and Bitcoin offers us I believe we will have a “new gold” that is Bitcoin. Which once it really goes main-stream will make gold a lot more unattractive.. at least that is my view.
REMEMBER!!!!!! in times of war your own governments and other thieves always steal the peoples gold. For people that trust their countries leaders and neighbors to respect their property I guess gold might still be good for long term storage if hidden well. Personally I would not like to carry around any gold in times of war!!
So you are warned they simply steal if from you in times of war…
Also as long as we accept stolen gold as payment our leaders will always have their guns to enforce their injustice.
But hey people.. there is no war on the horizon.. right ?....
Wait.... news just in : "Our governments are fucking us in the ass as we speak !!" And making plans of war with the simple purpose to steal our shit again including your gold if they need it…just wait and see ! ... but don't trust me, look this stuff up and educate yourself about this.
Hopefully our leaders can be stopped before WW3 begins!
I believe Bitcoin gives us an opportunity to take the power away from these sick and failed gene pools of thieves and big government with their military industrial complex including all the losers that support them.
Thanks again for your comments guys.. I really appreciate it
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