I remember reading an article some months ago (can't find it anymore) about internet penetration in Africa. It predicted that in most African countries, mass internet access would most likely start mobile (instead of beginning with desktop computers and then develop to mobile).
EDIT: Since writing this I got the "2 replies have been posted, you may wish to review your post" and NielDLR has just confirmed this
I really do have a big hope for BTC in Africa. What the continent needs is free people trading as much as they can, without government imposed obstacles.
I have a particular fondness for Zimbabwe (specially because it music is
so fucking beautiful), and the country is being sunk to hell by a fucktard. The music thing is important, I think there's a big export opportunity there for all of Africa.
So here's how I would imagine a small scale business:
1. Wait for the bitcoin economy to grow enough to have enough worldmusic-heads to make this profitable.
2. Wait for
this to get done, pledge if you can.
3. Get good quality, tough field recording equipment.
4. Crowdfund a project.
5. Go out there to record some amazing Zulu singers or something, give half the money to them, keep half.
6. Release under a liberal license so the recording flows and works as promotion for the next recording project.
Loop 4 - 6
The copyleft, fund-before-release approach is essential because this music is for a very small niche. Most indy labels don't realize yet that file-sharing
benefits them (as opposed to Lady Gaga).