What can I do to stop someone trying to break into my house and steal my Bitcoins? I already have my wallet encrypted and backed up. I can handle having about $1k in drug dealers' favorite kind of untraceable digital cash sitting around in my house, but much more than that is going to become problematic.
Are your bitcoins a rainy day fund and you can afford to not be able to access them in less than a day or several days?
Open two safety deposit boxes in bank branches in two remote cities, hopefully at a bank you already bank at (so you can easily keep up with the maintenance charges from home). Do this some time when you are traveling. Make it so someone trying to coerce you into giving them your bitcoins will have no chance of getting them without forcing you to get on an airplane or drive for days in possession of the keys.
Create password protected paper wallets, maybe a dozen of them. Put a copy of all the wallets in each safety deposit box. Keep a copy of the bitcoin addresses so you can send the funds.
Give the password to your attorney and/or accountant. Or give half the password to each.