World Population = roughly 7,345,890,000 (
Active Bitcoin Nodes = 5120 (
5120 / 7,345,890,000 = 0.000000697
0.000000697 x 100 = 0.0000697%
Number of employees working at the Federal Reserve as of 31-Dec-2015 = 18,574 ( page 316)
18,574 / 7,345,890,000 = 0.000002528
0.000002528 x 100 = 0.0002528%
Congratulations Bitcoin you are more "Elite" than the Federal Reserve itself.
With 70% of all mining taking place in China (, a hand full of major exchanges that actually let you convert fiat into Bitcoin, and an active node count that is smaller than all the people that are employed by the Federal Reserve I would have to conclude that your decentralized mantra holds plenty of weight....
What's next?
I mean you already let the corporations in on the scheme with Ethereum.
So they are handled.
That leaves digital cash?
Say it ain't so that the same play from over 100 years ago is being run....