I have one bitcoin address where i have over 50 transactions on it. I notice other address have either 1 or 0 transactions on it. I heard the irs is now tracking bitcoin etc.
Don't worry.They can't trace you unless you have revealed that you own that address publicly.It's all a big mess and Irs can't do shit.Even crypto-experts can't trace address like that.
So does that mean if i use an address once or twice etc... then there is less tracking? Thus imagine i send btc to an exchange like bittrex. If i use a new btc address to receive btc each time from electrum wallet, is that better? Or it doesn't matter since its the same program?
There you go,using Bittrex can easily help IRS trace your real identity as the exchange has all your details.No matter where do you store your coins,once it goes to your Bittrex account,it's all revealed.Also it's always a good choice to use a new address for every transaction.
I always hear people say dont use the same address more than once. But are there really ppl that never do it more than one? Because wouldnt someone have hundreds or even thousands if that is the case? The thing is if i want to do trading on bittrex, it probably would be good idea to send bitcoin from an address on electrum that has 0-1 transactions only? I will be using bittrex and only doing small amounts in the beginning to trade. Would it be better send btc and receive btc from my electrum wallet with an address that is used 0 or 1 time? Because if i use one that has lot of transactions, would they look at my old transactions back then etc?
They wouldn't give a shit.They will just ask Bittrex for your doxx and they'd have it.Are you that concerned ?Stop trading on centralised exchanges.
This is full of a bunch of stuff that is just so false it's gross.
They can trace you, there are tons of Crypto EXPERTS that are able to find out who you are from your address -- as most likely you're going to be linked to a profile with your addy, which is something that you've used on other sites.
It doesn't even matter if you have more then one address, if you're sending money there's just going to be more then one input -- so all of your addresses are now going to be found out as linked. So this doesn't even help much
If you're really scared, I'd say go with coin mixing as that's your only way of ensuring that no one is able to track your coins -- though ensure to pick a reputable mixer and use the most security that they allow you too.