If you had a million dollar bills when the Fed was created and invest to keep pace with inflation, that million dollars today is still worth a million dollars was worth back then.
Or in other words, your purchasing power dropped by 97% if you just sat on your million dollars and didn't earn interest on it. If it was under your bed lets say. Another way of looking at it is if you had 1 bitcoin and it was worth 1 million USD 80 years ago, today it is worth 3,000 USD(lost 97% of its value).
So when they talk about trillions of dollars in the GDP, it is kind of a bullshit number. Had the FED not been created the value of the USD could have stayed almost the same and we would be talking about billions of dollars for our GDP and not trillions
Your post is full of outright lies
Basically, you just take some concept (in this case GDP) and twist it so that it would somehow fit your point. I guess you would do a lot better if you had just started a separate thread and expressed your opinion about how much the dollar devalued since the establishment of the Fed. Nevertheless, you should remember too that real GDP growth is always calculated using inflation-adjusted prices, i.e. it shows the actual growth (well, at least as long as inflation rates are assessed correctly). That basically means that your point is essentially a pile of trash