Here's an interesting story: short it was a a student having the idea of raising money for his education. He made a 'silly' website, selling pixel adds to make money.
But it went viral, and his goal of making 1 million dollars was quickly reached.
Here's his page: was it such an astounding success ? Because all news media picked up on it, and he was invited to all shows on TV, and then of course, when others saw this, they wanted to invite him and interview him too, so it was the snowball effect.
That's what we're seeing with bitcoin now too. I think bitcoin is a far far better idea than that 'silly' homepage, but it only goes to prove how much attention you get when you have something spectacular and the interest and attention just grows.
Bitcoin reached a 1 billion dollar market cap, which made people start to talk, and it gets attention on TV and in other media, and the price is raising, creating more attention, and more attention is creating more price increases and so on.
That's why I think we can see 200 before we know it. At this point, I don't see the interest stopping at all, quite the contrary, I see a very strong interest for bitcoin over all. Also the fact that BitcoinStore sold for half a million dollars so far, goes to prove that bitcoin is not only used for a speculatory vehicle.
Maybe this would be more suitable in speculation - but I don't think it's only the monetary value at play here, but also the political view, which would be more suitable for this main forum. As much as some of you may not like speculators, the fact is that increased price makes for more attention, which again will make for more merchants and more users.