I have been experimenting bitcoin blocks and parsing and validating blocks using my small c++ library in my spare time. I am now able to parse all blocks including most recent blocks and be able to validate basic pay to public key script using a small VM with a few opcodes I have created to validate script. A test case shows how it works in following code:
https://github.com/vimrull/vimrull/blob/main/tests/vm/testscript.cpp#L16Now I am thinking about implementing some other opcodes to validate most of the bitcoin blockchain blocks as well and them implement all of those so I can validate the entire blockchain from genesis to most current block. It will still not be complete as I have not implemented validations like double spending attempt and basic syntactical validation. At this moment even though the code I wrote is very ugly as I was trying to learn modern C++ as well, I am confident I can learn the rest of the things that may come along (I have some rudimentary experience working as a security engineer for a well known production system).
Now, being a newbie (I am sure I do not know about what I do not know) to bitcoin I am not sure how much further should I try to learn before I may be able to contribute to the bitcoin main (if that is at all possible with my skill set). Any suggestion what else should I try/experiment before looking into contributing to bitcoin main code?
Also where can I find a list of small/easy tasks that requires to be done and how the development is coordinated - i.e how it is accepted or rejected?
I looked at
https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0325.mediawiki and seems like I can work on it (seems like there is similarity with sigwit) and it may be a good one as it is targeted for test network and low risk of messing things up than the main network.
I am not 100% sure if dev & tech this is right group. Please suggest/move appropriate group if it does not belong here.