What would be a way to prevent miners from killing other miners? It happens with gold, USD, etc etc.
How many data centers have you seen being bombed by competitors in the US or EU?
You can't look at wars in Africa over mines or drug cartels wagering war in Mexico and think this will happen everywhere!
Just because there are people killing each other for gold mining in some 3rd world country doesn't mean:
- those people won't kill others for anything else, be it cattle, a motorcycle or some cash
- this will happen all over the world
And have we cured ALS yet or are we still using hashrate on mining currency over medical problems.
And we haven't found a solution for hiccups and we still use a ton of energy to power water fountains.
Let's solve that first and then argue what medical advance will happen if we shut down all miners, which I dare to estimate at around 0 point 0!
Ananias and Sapphira were killed because of their hoard of currency.
And Icarus died because he used beeswax instead of gorilla glue!