In other words, it's different this time.
I don't know when this thing is going to pop, but it will. In every bubble there have been people who have rung the alarm way too early. I'm probably one of those, and we may get to $50,000 before the popping, but it's going to happen if the price keeps going up this fast. That's my concern, that we've gone too high too fast. And if you think bitcoin is so different from other bubble precedents, think again. A bubble is a bubble and it has little to do with what the asset is and everything to do with human behavior. You'll see.
I think the OP's point is that, as the title states, Bitcoin has been in a bubble plenty of times before, popped and then recovered. No one is saying that you're wrong by saying it is in a bubble, just that people who have this doom and gloom bubble point of view, like you, don't get that it is happening all the time. Yeah sure Bitcoin is in a bubble, it'll pop soon and correct, recover in like a month, the top of this bubble will then be the base for the next bubble. It'll keep doing this for a long time as user adoption increases. The price will keep rising exponentially, and people will keep screaming bubble as the floor for bitcoin gets higher and higher. And yeah, plenty more bubbles will pop, but the price floor will keep going up.
So sure this bubble will pop, maybe the price will drop back into the 5000s for a short time, and your bubble is gone. Then it'll rise to 10,000 and yup be in another bubble. Then yup that bubble will pop and the base price might be 8000 let's say. Then we'll get another bubble to say $13k and it'll pop and the base will be $10k. And so on upwards. Bubbles aren't some scary thing unless you panic every few months when they pop and don't have a long term view as bitcoin moves from a very niche thing, which it still is, into a mass market thing, which will take years.
So it isn't that "it's different this time". It's that "it's exactly the same this time as all the other times". It's called a growth curve. These bubbles are from yes, human behavior getting ahead of itself continuously. But that brings in more and more people and the user base of bitcoin is still so tiny that there is zero concern of a long term bubble right now. Just as every bubble in the stock market has eventually passed and the price has gone higher, except because bitcoin is so young and so small right now these bubbles form and pop and recover on the order of every few months instead of like once a decade.
You say "you'll see". But we've already seen, many many times over, because it's NOT DIFFERENT THIS TIME. We won't get anywhere near $50k before this bubble pops. the current bubble will probably pop in the next couple of weeks. And there will be probably a dozen more bubbles before the price hits $50k. And a dozen or more bubbles after that as the price goes far far higher than $50k. Each pop solidifying the price floor higher and higher. Sure at some point in the future, when bitcoin is no longer a tiny tiny thing as it is right now, once user adoption is in the billions (maybe 100 times what it is now) and the price is in the hundreds of thousands then maybe it'll get to the point where it might be nearing actually peak price for the technology. But we've got a long long lonnnngggg way to go for that.
It didn't crash to zero after rising to 9 cents, or $2, or $30, or to $100, or $200, or $1000, or $3000, or $5000, and it won't now. It's literally JUST ANOTHER BUBBLE. Nothing to worry about at all. We've got plenty more bubbles to go, user adoption and therefore the price is still in its infancy right now.