I am working on project to exchange money to bitcoin.
Can you help me please to solve this issue, i search for solution all this week but no result.
I don't want to use blockchain.info or any other service.
I tested bitcoind but need a lot of space
I need only to send bitcoin / get balance on ly theses two commands.
Thank you in advance for your help.
There are no "balances", there are only outputs.
The outputs are stored in the blockchain.
To determine how much bitcoins you have access to, you have to search the entire blockchain for all the outputs that you have access to.
It is not possible to search the entire blockchain unless you have the entire blockchain.
You don't actually "send bitcoin".
You redeem outputs by satisfying a script condition, and create new outputs encumbering them with a new script condition.
The outputs that you redeem are in the blockchain.
To determine which outputs you will be redeeming and what script condition you need to satisfy, you have to search the entire blockchain.
It is not possible to search the entire blockchain unless you have the entire blockchain.
Therefore, if you "need only these two commands" then you either need the blockchain, or you need to use a service like blockchain.info that has the blockchain.