It just hit me as I was reading in the other thread. They're running the company doing the books in USD, so the $3,000/mo payment has to come after taxes. A company has to pay income tax on it's income before it can distribute it as dividends.
Just a random example:
Company Gross Revenue: $10,000
Company Expenses: $1,000
Thus, Company Profit: $9,000
Company is an LLC, thus taxes pass through to the shareholders. Say the owners pay income tax on this profit of 33%. (just to keep the math simple)
Thus, remaining for dividends: $6,000
The plan (according to the thread) is to sell 35m/50m shares, or 70% of the shares. Instead, for simplicity, let's assume they only sell 50%.
Thus, Ryan & Stormy would get from dividends: $3,000 which they then convert back to BTC to pay BTCJAM investors.
Money guys much better at this than I am please let me know if I'm horribly off-base.
The other consideration here is that because they are running the business using a base of USD, what they are doing is only legal if they (like Giga) collect AML/KYC info on everyone they share profits with and annually report this to the IRS via 1099's. (at which point you become responsible for paying income tax on your divs based on the USD value of the BTC you receive at the time the dividend is issued.)
I'm starting to ramble, but you can see they need to see some pretty good numbers to hit paydirt. Operating in USD is going to cost 'em ~30% right off the top.