First I uninstalled Armory and reinstalled. The latest armorylog.txt changed the bitcoin.conf to include the directories datadir and blocksdir. I also uncommented the parameter 'listen'
I am unable to locate the dblog.txt file. Maybe that's because I installed bitcoin core to the D: drive, not to the C: drive, where the user directories are. I have
c:\users\*usrname*\appdata\Armory but no c:\users\*usrname*\appdata\Bitcoin
There is no dblog.txt on either the C: drive or on the d: drive.
Would it help to post my main tab from the options menu in bitcoin-qt? I also have the "Window - information" tab from bitcoin-qt
Armory is launched at the CLI.
D:\Armory\Armoryqt.exe" --dbdir="D:\Armory" --satoshi-datadir="D:\Bitcoin\"
I am rebooting the system between each new attempt to launch Armory successfully. It stops at the splash screen that reads Armory: loading 100%
I have tried both
-launching bitcoin core, syncing up, and then starting armory using the CLI commands and
-exiting bitcoin core first and launching armory after the it shuts down to let Armory start bitcoin in the background.
The result has been exactly the same.
Any suggestions?