If two databases for users A and B have all blockchain blocks do they have them stored in the same order or different?
For example, if we consider some file blk00100.dat should it be the same file for on each computer where bitcoin core is installed and database is downloaded? Or A may have blocks Nx..Ny on his database whereas B may have Ny..Nz on his computer?
I cannot speak for a bit for bit comparison, but that chain is based on a data chain from block 0 up. A downloaded chain is simply a copy of that original chain. Imagine a checkbook register, each copy still starts with the first transaction and onward, as though it were the original.
Each PC may lay it out a little different within the bit per bit, DD style memory, but those are not just flippant copies of the original block, each is a copy of that chain, perhaps copied over and over, but still a copy.
If you wanted to re-use your existing blockchain files in another computer so you don't nee to download the whole thing, I think you should only copy the "blocks" folder and no the "chainstate" folder, im not sure exactly why but I was recommended this a long time ago when I wanted to install Bitcoin Core on a laptop and I tried to use the desktop blockchain files to save time.