Bitcoin DeFi projects have been a huge focus for companies like Square. Jack Dorsey has been working with his team to create a DeFi business built on Bitcoin's rails.
It has been reported that there are around 26 active Bitcoin-related DeFi projects. That is just what Square is doing.
As we are all aware, DeFi projects have been primarily dominated by the likes of Ethereum & Binance Smart Chain. Projects like
Compound, and
PancakeSwap already have tens of billions of dollars locked up in their network. This will grow exponentially.
It seems rather clear these DeFi projects will take place on sidechain/layer-2 solutions. The on-chain network is currently not fit for these projects.
Regardless of the technical aspects, however, I am wondering if Bitcoin DeFi will be able to draw similar liquidity to what we are seeing in ETH & BSC. Will Bitcoin DeFi be able to compete?
Will we be able to offer the same yields?
Will it be as effective/efficient as DeFi on other networks?
Could Bitcoin DeFi be superior?
Assuming Bitcoin devs (not just Square's) are able to create a system that is both efficacious and secure, I believe that it could become
the primary DeFi network.
This is much easier
said than
done, however, and is certainly an uphill battle.
Then again, maybe the goal isn't to be #1 in DeFi.
What do you folks think a Bitcoin DeFi network would look like? Do you think we would see anything
truly unique?