Yeah deflation leads to people actually getting richer not poorer by the day and that's quite a problem for the economic system of the governments. But it's good for the people....
Your opinion represents the opinion of many who have absolutely no clue about finance and economics.
To you it seems simple, let's just make money so it gains value, so everyone can just get rich while sitting on their ass doing nothing. People like this are always looking for new ways how to get rich while doing absolutely nothing that matters. But people like that rarely get rich, because they are unable to make a connection between hard work and wealth.
Deflation would only work if the entire financial system would be heavily regulated with strict rules, to avoid senseless hoarding that will cause instability. Free market and deflation combination only motivates people to do absolutely nothing. Just sit on your ass, holding your money and get rich in the process. That means that the entire society will get motivated to invent less, to produce less and do less in general. That actually means that everyone are getting poorer not richer, because money doesn't mean wealth, but the value that money represents, means wealth. When people do less, then there is slower economy and less wealth for everyone.
The society needs to see money as an intermediate tool to be used to trade wealth. It's idiotic to see money as an investment itself, not just a tool for carrying out investments
I think that this is the main reason why bitcoin won't ever be an usable everyday currency. The future is in cryptocurrencies and privatized monetary systems in general. Bitcoin itself is just a complex gambling platform, because it can't offer price stability, that is the main quality factor of an currency.
The deflative nature of bitcoin is effective in attracting hoards of people who are looking for get-rich-quick schemes, but it makes it unattractive as an practical financial tool
You are correct in most of what you said up until the middle and last portion...
- Bitcoin can't be debased; unlike gold where the treasury reduces the actual amount of gold in each coin over time the amount of 1 Bitcoin is a constant...
- Coinage was hoarded because the value didn't depend on the volume of trade in actual coins; rather the content of precious metal in each coin by weight.
- Each time a coin was debased by lowering the amounts of precious metal, the general user lost purchasing power. This caused a situation where you have a loser, a winner, and a motive for debasing currency.
- With Bitcoin there is no incentive to hoard once the market usage has saturated. 1 Bitcoin will be worth 1 Bitcoin permanently. Under the gold standard the hoarding was encouraged by the differential of value between older coinage and newer coinage.
- Bitcoin will be able to accomplish what the gold standard wished to accomplish because it's value within the protocol is immutable.
These are differences which should be considered. If people hoard BTC in the future they actually increase the wealth of other users who can then invest in progress.