Ok i will try to get a Google hangout setup and have that meetup recorded.
HI just wanted to let you know that the live stream may be a problem i am facing problems getting the encoder to work properly on my linux box. Will try another fix today.
I will join you guys via Skype call or hangout. Sub can you please mail/whatsapp me the timings.
I was trying a live stream, but a google hangout is then next best option. I will send you the details in a few moment.
Thanks.. looking for a google hangout link .. or can I help you by making a google hangout link and share it here so that everyone can join , including the team in Delhi at the proposed time ?
Will have the hangout on this link https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gu2b45cprrpjpngnix4zpie5dua
Starts at 3:30 pm on sunday
New link
Having problems with the speakers in this office may have some problems in the hangout .
Is the hangout over ?
Yes !!i will plan out more this coming week.