Bitcoin Price = Down, down, down
Can anyone one tell me why that is?
There are many reasons for the down, down down (china, US IRS ruling, etc). As it relates to merchant adoption, many merchants are immediately converting BTC->fiat which in essence dumps BTC back on the market increasing supply. When supply > demand the price decreases.
You pretty much hit the nail on the head. It's because it doesn't matter how many businesses are "accepting" BTC, it's not creating demand from people, to buy Bitcoin, just to make purchases. New people are not buying Bitcoin to spend them and as it doesn't make sense with a deflationary currency. Add to that, the fact Bitcoin is promoted as a get rich quick scheme, so people are trained to hold. Plus, debit cards are still way easier and cheaper for most consumers, so it's just negative on top of negative.
I put quotes around "accepting" because you're right, as these business don't really accept BTC, they accept USD. Bitpay and coinbase accept BTC and deposit fiat to merchants. That's not adoption, that's central clearing.
The worst fact, is the general public's trust in Bitcoin is shot..significantly. Now you have no new money flowing in and bagholders are jumping ship with significant losses. The pyramid is collapsing and that's not speculation or FUD, that's just simple math and common sense.