it's probably a combination of the cryptsy shut down and the news about mike hearn. the news here reports with big letters "BITCOIN IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE" due to what mike hearn said. it amazes me time on time again that bad news about bitcoin gets picked up and published very fast, and when bitcoin has some good news, then it takes a few days before the media here writes or say anything about it.
Just wait until R3CEV/HyperLedger/BigBanks/IBM/Cisco/IMF/Global Govts release the new global fed coin.
You ain't seen nothing yet. It could have been avoided. Bitcoin could have been the coin. Odds of this happening are dropping like a rock right now. Bitcoin Core/Blockstream has destroyed the integrity of bitcoin. Nobody at any serious level of intelligence trusts the governance team. And there is too much at stake fianncially.
If Classic doesn't shut the hell up and just DO the fork to 2mb, then I think Bitcoin IS effectively dead within 2 - 3 months. It may not die to Zero - but it may very well get dumped to permanent altcoin status.
You simply cannot make as many mistakes as have been made (pointing at CoreDev/Blockstream) without their being consequences. The Consequence is that everyone who believed.... is about to lose a ton of money.