Topic: Since bitcoin is a "virtual commodity", why not create a bitcoin exchange traded fund (ETF)? You could make 1 ETF share represent 1 BTC. If someone could successfully do this it would certainly help with regard to exchanging BTC for fiat currencies. Discuss amongst yourselves.
One advantage (to us) would be that people could invest in BTC with their IRAs. This would help raise the price of btc. Not sure if it would work out well for the retirees, though.
I'm not sure, but I think there are minimum capital requirements. I think ETFs are considered hedge funds, which require $500,000. Now if early adopter were out there with 50k btc, they could probably start one up.
One final thing is that I think it might be hard to set a NAV since there are many different trading sites and btc is not very liquid.
I did find this book which was interesting. Not personally going to buy it.