You can ask questions and I'll update this thread with an answer.
Making this for those people who don't know a lot about bitcoin and want to learn.
QUESTION 1: Where can I buy Bitcoins (with ID)Bitcoin can be bought from a lot of sites. Most sites of course, will require photo verification and make you wait a few hours/days before receiving your funds. Most sites accept payment from either;
1 - PayPal (Must be verified with PhotoID)
2 - Major credit cards. (If it's yours it won't get declined.)
Here are a few sites to buy Bitcoin if you can provide ID.
https://www.coinbase.com3; that some of these accept over-the-counter cash/bank transfers.
Those are just a few sites, you can easily find one that meets your needs by googling "Buy BTC".
Here are some sites to buy Bitcoin without any ID.
1; For Australians, you can use;;
https://localbitcoins.comAgain, just google "Buy BTC without ID". There are many sites that are available and release your btc within an hour or less.
QUESTION 2: How can I calculate my mining profits?There are many sites. The easiest one IMO is as it can calculate most different coins.
QUESTION 3: How can I start mining bitcoins and what is it?Bitcoin mining is the processing of transactions in the digital currency system, in which the records of current Bitcoin transactions, known as a blocks, are added to the record of past transactions, known as the block chain. - Credits to google for that.
Mining is almost useless and actually loses profit if you have a crappy CPU/GPU & mine. If you want to mine, there are many tutorials on the internet. Here are some of the easier ones;,d.cGc,d.cGc,d.cGcI recommend mining newer coins as the difficulty is lower and it's much easier to mine coins.
QUESTION 4: How would I hide BTC? (IE: If I stole 5btc and wanted to make sure no one found out it was me)[/b]
I'm not sure if this is allowed here but I'll just give a simple explanation.
First of all, go to and create around 20 accounts.
Note all of them in a .txt or piece of paper and make sure you don't lose them.
On the original account with 5btc, send 5% to each address. Make sure you note the balance on the side of where you wrote everything down.
IE: account 1; identifier: xxxx - password: xxxx - balance: $50
Now make 10 new blockchain accounts (it's easy because you don't need to confirm email and it takes a few seconds)
With the 20 accounts, log in to 2 and send the money to one account.
IE: Account 1 & Account 2 send the 5% to New Account 1 making the first account of the 10 receive 10%.
Do that until all 10 accounts have 10%.
Now just send the money from every wallet to a new one that you will keep as your active one.
NOTE that this isn't even a good method, it's just a way to confuse someone looking through the transactions. It can be done much more carefully.
QUESTION 5: Can someone steal my BTC?[/b]
Well, unless they calculate the SHA512 hashes or have you under a remote access trojan, it's not possible/easy. If they have access to your email that gives them your wallet identifier, and from there they have a few options.
1; Brute force your password (If it's short it wouldn't be too hard.)
2; Social engineer you. They could send you a phishing page, etc.
3; RAT/Keylogger. This is one of the methods people use a lot but it doesn't work unless the victim is retarded.
I'll update this thread from time to time with more advanced stuff hopefully