To be clear, are you advocating that Ellet should use Morse Code? If that's the case, Matthew should have no problem getting funding.
No, I'm advocating that a dumber device, such as a version of the Bitcoincard, could be used using a piezo speaker & morse. I don't consider this likely, since it's much more likely that a future bitcoin hardware device will be quite modern. Morse would work, but be a bit of a cheap hack, much more likely to occur in a developing nation if Bitcoin takes off before today's smartphone tech trickles down to the rest of the world. Considering that a single rooted & flashed Kindle 2 off craigslist can hold the entire 12 year curriculum of a remote villiage school and do it for far less than that same set of books in print, it's only a matter of time before smartphone tech is common enough that the common man in developing nations can communicate using a several year old (working) smartphone.