You can't say what will be the price of something that doesnt exist still! Well, it could start as BCH started and then decrease, because people will start dumping it as soon as possible! Unless the price is already pumped up and starts ahead of $1000 then users might think of holding it and using it with trading profit!
"You can't say what will be the price of something that doesnt exist still!"Incorrect. Multiple reasons invalidate this statement. One of which is the fact that I can say it, but it just has a low probability of being true.
And if I were to make a coin that is directly connected to USD, as you can turn 1 of this coin into 300 USD always, its price will always stay $300 and although it doesn't even exist yet, its price is predictable: $300.
"Well, it could start as BCH started and then decrease, because people will start dumping it as soon as possible!"Most likely not true. For Bitcoin Cash, there was way more support, thus upping the price. For Bitcoin Gold, the support is REALLY close to zero.
Many exchanges have also made it clear that they will not support BTG, thus it's not strange to expect a lower starting price for BTG.
I agree that people will probably start dumping it as soon as possible. I will hold it, just like I did with Bitcoin Cash at the time, in the hopes of it growing large and me getting a nice profit, but I fear the same: It will drop very hard, even harder than Bitcoin Cash, simply because of its lower support.
I really hope that people will just hold it and people really want to buy it so we can earn some extra profit on it though... But probably not.
"Unless the price is already pumped up and start ahead of $1000 then users might think of holding it and using it with trading profit!"Yeah, we can fantasize, but that's just a waste of time in my opinion. It won't be starting ahead of $1000 and if it will, people will definitely be selling all they got of it and it would drop REALLY hard.
I feel like it would making people sell it, not hold it. If you can claim an extra $1000/coin, why would you risk holding something that has low support anyways?
By the way... Do you always end your sentences with exclamation marks?
I don't find it very annoying or harmful, but it's just weird... Maybe try learning how to use punctuation properly...