I found out that a really slow part was the elliptic curve exponentiation (this is needed when converting a private key to a bitcoin address).
So I wrote a wrapper to make it possible to compute this using BC. It is used when the environment variable "PERL6_EC_METHOD" is set to "BC". It's now about five times faster.
Here is the bc code:
* A small library for elliptic curve arithmetics and cryptography with
* bitcoin.
/* secp256k1 parameters */
b= 7;
a= 0;
/* A modulo function that behaves well with negative numbers */
define true_mod(n, m) {
if (n >= 0) return n%m else return -n*(m-1)%m;
/* modular inverse function */
define inverse_mod ( n, m ) {
auto c, tc, d, td, uc, tuc, vc, tvc, ud, vd, q;
c = true_mod(n, m); d = m; uc=1; vc=0; ud=0; vd=1; q=0;
while (c != 0) {
q = d / c;
tc = c;
c = true_mod(d, c);
d = tc;
tuc = uc;
tvc = vc;
uc = ud - q*uc;
vc = vd - q*vc;
ud = tuc;
vd = tvc;
return true_mod(ud, m);
/* This test function should print a long sequence of '1'. */
define test_inverse_mod () {
auto n, i;
n = 2017;
for (i=1; i}
* Elliptic curve operations.
* For simplicity, we'll ignore the possibiliy of a
* point at horizon.
* BC functions can not return multiple values,
* so we'll use a base-p encoding for points.
define add( point_a, point_b ) {
auto i, l, x, y, xa, ya, xb, yb;
xa = point_a / p; ya = point_a % p;
xb = point_b / p; yb = point_b % p;
i = inverse_mod( xb - xa, p );
l = true_mod((yb - ya) * i, p);
x = l^2 - xa - xb;
y = l*(xa - x) - ya;
return true_mod(x, p) *p + true_mod(y, p);
define double( point ) {
auto l, x, y, xout, yout;
x = point / p; y = point % p;
l = true_mod((3*x^2 + a) * inverse_mod( 2*y, p ), p);
xout = true_mod(l^2 - 2*x, p);
yout = true_mod(l*(x - xout) - y, p);
return xout * p + yout;
define mult( k, point ) {
if (k == 1) return point;
if (k == 2) return double( point );
if (k % 2 == 0) return double( mult( k/2, point ) );
return add(point, double( mult( k/2, point ) ));
our sub compute(Str $expression) {
return map {:16($_)},
echo "{code}
tmp = $expression;
tmp / p
tmp % p
quit" |
bc -q
].comb: /+/;