Bitcoin is NOT dead. How do we know? Trades are happening right now.
There are those who are buying Bitcoin. Why are they buying? Because they believe that there is a future for Bitcoin, that the price will rebound, that this is only a little lull in the Bitcoin activity. They're not wrong... only a little premature in some of their thinking.
Bitcoin is NOT dead. To liven it up, it needs more users. Many people have likened Bitcoin to a bubble, similar to the Ponzi that the fiat currencies are. If that is so, then the thing Bitcoin needs is more people. Ponzi's need ever more and more people to continue to feed the voracious appetite of the Ponzi owners. Since there aren't any owners in the Bitcoin scheme, who gets fed? All the users, rather than some central bankers.
The way to make Bitcoin into the thing that it is supposed to be is, to use it and to FIND A WHOLE LOT MORE USERS so that it can be USED MORE AND MORE. That's the trick. How do we find more Bitcoin users? How do we start to get average people to start using it for things like garage and yard sales?
The bankers have been shrewd enough to to keep their meddling fingers out of the affairs of people on small scale. People can use cash for garage and yard sales, most of the time without fear of some money-law repercussion. People like cash because it is easy, and without meddlers. What can we do to show the people that Bitcoin is inherently stronger than the money system that they are using even though its use may not be quite as easy as cash?
Bitcoin is at a disadvantage when compared with money. Many people have computers or smartphones these days; most in some areas. Communication is natural. Computers and smartphones are not; they've only been around for a few years or decades at the most. Money has been around so long that it has become natural. Bitcoin is not. How do we convince average people that Bitcoin can become as natural as money, and even better than money?
Many of the younger generation who use smartphones like they were attached to them, don't really have a clue as to how to make a password that cannot be easily compromised. To use Bitcoin like pocket change through a smartphone, these kids need to have a method for encrypting their Bitcoin Wallets that is easy yet strong. What might that method be? And how do we show it to them? Is there a Bitcoin school?
You and I - whoever you are - might be pretty good at using out heads in simple situations with Bitcoin. After all, we are here on this forum! A lot of folks are computer shy, the older generation. And the younger generation doesn't have enough experience in life to operate Bitcoin wisely. How do we change this? If we don't, Bitcoin just might stay limited to our small (percentagewise small) group. If it does, even though it doesn't die, it won't grow much.
What can we do to extend and expand the use of Bitcoin?