Pošto si spomenuo Muun wallet, ima jedan dobar post kojeg je napisao n0nce i koji objašnjava određene probleme i nedostatke ovog novčanika.
Opcije kao što su coin control i odabir UTXO-a što nam je poznato kod Electruma ne postoji u Muun novčaniku. n0nce piše da čak ne vidiš ni koliki iznos je LN stanje a koliko je na on-chain walletu. A Muun ne dozvoljava ni promjenu servera ili LN nodea na koje se korisnici konektuju. Ništa od ovoga nisam osobno testirao, prenosim samo šta je čovjek rekao.
1) No control. Whatsoever. No coin control, no UTXO view, not even the ability to view what amount of your 'Bitcoin balance' is on-chain or off-chain.
2) No ability to manage your own Lightning channels.
3) No ability to change the Electrum or Lightning server it connects to.
4) I moved a relatively small amount of BTC to it over Lightning, and a few hours later I couldn't get it back out through Lightning. Well, I could, but the extremely high fee (compared to the LN transfer I used to fund it) indicated that they moved almost all of my funds (like, except a few sats) to an on-chain address and to get it back out through LN, I had to pay for a submarine swap. This was super annoying, as I assumed to be able to quickly deposit and withdraw some funds from it at almost no cost, just to quickly test the application.