I'm not trying to say its crashing or coming back. All I know is that I haven't sold one bit of my bitcoins today, and I hope the decision being made is the right one!
i have all my coins too...during this crash (that seems to last at least for a few hours) I only drank tea and relaxed. bitcoin was/is/will be much more than this day
I sold 5 just to stop the madness....how does this make sense? well i wanted money so i could putt in a buy wall of some sort i saw people starting to dump money into a bid price so i wanted to help them so that it would not be so crazy. i probably lost money on the deal but we gotta stop being sheep and panic buy sell buy sell. f that. im still nervous if i did the right thing. i have many coins and saw it slide at 245 but i told my self no! do not fall for it. at 150 i went and cash deposited 500 for more coins. ate 162 i bought 10 more coins.
I have to think positive and the long term im not in here to get rich overnight. im in here for the long hall and people need to take a look and realize bitcoin is the next best thing! going revolutinize the world more than the INTERNET did. this thing is real and it is going to work, you just have to hold and not loose sight of your true vision.