I have a question regarding the bitcoin client wallet for Mac once i close the open screen on the client but it remains running
and when i try to open the client to send btc it does not open, i have to quit the client and rerun it
Then it takes long time to redo the block thing..
Anyone having the same issue?
Is there any other wallet that i can sign a message besides the bitcoin client?
I tried Armory but i am not to fond of it .
Yes, these are two known bugs with the Mac v0.8.x releases. I believe both are slated to be fixed in the v0.8.2 release.
Until then, I suggest you try the v0.8.2 release candidate http://sourceforge.net/projects/bitcoin/files/Bitcoin/bitcoin-0.8.2/test/bitcoin-0.8.2rc3-macosx.dmg/download or run the v0.7.2 Mac release with the "May 15 fix" applied: http://bitcoin.org/may15.html