You can win bitcoins in micro auctions on
Dreamybids.comMicro auctions take less that 10 mins to win (in most cases).
Our gamified bidding format is probably the most fun you'll have on the web today.
You can freeze the bid of the next bidder, block other players from joining the auction,
and more.
What's a micro auction. A micro auction pulls the auction fee of all the players to cover the
cost of the item
A bitcoin for example is currently valued at $112. To start the auction we'll end 10 players
each with $12 in bids in their account.
10 x $12 = $120
Only one person will win the auction, meaning the auction winner gets a $112 bitcoin for the
$12 they used to buy bids.
Get 2 free bids when you sign up. Get 10 free bids each time you refer a friend to join an
auction you are in.