If you want to download Nicehash and start mining right away, you will get a little bit of bitcoin while you figure out if mining is profitable for you. Note that when you use Nicehash you are not mining BTC directly, but are mining altcoins and Nicehash pays you in BTC to do so.
Oh i see, so I've done a little bit digging, and i came across this. https://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/mining/hardware/antminer-s9/ will this do? and can this mine other altcoins as well as btc as well? electricity is cheap from where i am and i think it's going to be as profitable as trading. I already have Nicehash running on my local laptop but its producing a mere 1$ a day. is there any recommendation you can give me with what the best possible set-up to go through?
You would end up destroying your laptop if you keep using it for mining. That would probably cost more than the total money it earned, plus the electricity expenses you'd end up spending more than earning. A little digging wouldn't be enough, you should read more. If you're interested in antminers go straight to bitmain to avoid being scammed.