The Idea Behind This Proof of Concept
The idea behind this research on the largely unknown field of “Bitcoin Forensics” arose from analysis of a similar vulnerability found within the encryption software TrueCrypt. This susceptibility within TrueCrypt allowed anyone with administrative access, to image memory (the fixed value of physical memory within the computer) and actually find a hash of the users password within the memory dump. From here the attacker could then run the hash against a word list or other cracking attacks to retrieve the password. When I started looking into this idea I thought it would be interesting to duplicate this on an application that holds a fair amount of value in the eyes of the public. The fact that “Bitcoin Forensics” is a fairly novel field made it a great place to start exploring.
Because I wanted a wallet that was simple and easy to use for starters, I looked up some reviews online which led me to the open source wallet Multibit. After I downloaded and played with the tool, I tried to understand which parts of the program required the user to input the password to complete a function. I found four; encrypting the wallet with a password, changing the wallet password, changing the wallets public address (it's public identity to other users on the bitcoin network), and sending bitcoins to other users on the network. Luckily what I found in memory was more than I expected (more to come on this).
Imagine you are a network engineer/administrator/computer security *insert job title here* and you notice traffic on port 8333. You find this peculiar because you know that your company does not do any type of business with bitcoins and employees are never encouraged to download any software irrelevant to their work. You pinpoint which computer the traffic is coming from and you go to the employee’s desk to see what the employee is doing. The employee denies any use of such software, however the administrator sees that a bitcoin wallet has been installed on the computer, specifically Multibit. How can the investigator find out what the employee has been doing, why he/she is receiving money, who he/she is sending money to etc. (all on the company’s network), especially when the wallet is encrypted, and the employee refuses to give up the password?