To the Public at large:
To add listings:
- You have to zoom in to street level view. Most likely it only allowed you to click and 'edit' the lines which are the roads.
- The next step is to click "point" its on the upper left corner of the map itself.
- Now you can add a listing - Open street map gives precanned symbols like Hostiptal, Bar, Cafe, and Bank. I chose the last one on the bottom which is 'other'
- Now the icon changes to a cross-hair. Use that to actually add the physical 'blip' onto the map itself.
- Once you click an area, on your left side, the fields will come up to fill in. Fill in those fields with your name and address, website, and phone number.
- Finally, add a custom field by clicking the plus symbol on the very bottom left corner where your filled out fields will accumulate. Into this custom field, add: "payment:bitcoin" Then on the dropdown tab to the right of this, click and select "yes" Then add.
- Now save the listing (save button is next to the point button listed above)
That's it! You can now list other businesses on Open Street Map (if you happen to convince other businesses to list on openmap to take bitcoin payments, now you can add them too)