i disagree
1. at the moment the public bitcoin exchange only hold about 1.5mill coins combined(10%)
this could be 1.5million adopters owning 1 coin, it could be 15million adopters owning 0.1coin or it can b 150k adopters owning 10coin
2. with 16mill ccoins not on public exchanges these can be 1 person owning a million coins(satoshiN) or 1.6billion people owning 0.01coin each...
3. also most of these international stock exchanges are not trading actual bitcoins but shares of bitcoin. imagine a for instance an ETF where 1 coin is 100 shares... thats upto 100 adopters per coin. or 1 person.. however without changing the amount of coin hoarded by an ETF, the ETF could do a share dilution process whereby they change the shares to be 100000shares per coin. again this can be 100,000 people per coin or 1 person
so bitcoin adoption not being related to how many coins are available as it can vary.. means that the price cannot be linked to adoption