Point of no return is when and IF bitcoin price falls under $100. but I doubt that we will see that day anytime soon.
but if price continues this way, and gets to that point in a short term, it is gonna be catastrophic but if takes so long that people get use to the price it might be different.
Don't think that 100$ would be enough for people to back off, since there's a lot of money in bitcoin related industry, so i guess the people would mass buy and gold,
however, going way under it, like 50-60 bucks.. im pretty sure people would stop dreaming about 10k bitcoin and such, and just turn their backs on it.
I do not agree. Bitcoin a while back crashed from $30 and stopped. at $2. It did not go back to say 50c. I have seen somewhere but now cannot find it a chart showing that $50-$60 in 2015 is roughly what the $2 was back then.
So if it goes down to that level for a while so be it. If it continues on its exponential growth from there it will still do fine.
agree though that at that level while users of bitcoin (eg to send remittances) are still ok the people that work in it to hold it up may have difficulties.
maybe since it costs virtually nothing to send remittances the shortfall for the workers in the industry could be made up by higher charges.
I realize this goes against what some want for bitcoin but so long as it is cheaper than existing methods eg western union people will pay.
the biggest threat to bitcoin is not its price but its public relations. It needs people to be confident being involved with it - from both big and small players. The current squabble about the 1 MB limit is an example - it is fine and even healthy for it to go on for a short time but if it goes on and on then confidence that "bitcoin is OK" will wane and may never return