There's a thin line between not liking something and being against it. I don't like vegetables, but I'm not against vegetables and I don't mind if people eat them. Just don't hate it if it soars in price, that would make lots of people happy
Well it is like this. There is farmer who runs a monopoly in the market. He control the market as he wishes. He exploit people.but people cannot do anything to break that monopoly. meanwhile an ordinary man create a new system who can benefit people from the market. gradually people adapt to the new fair system. So that monopolist consider new system as a threat for him. So he uses trap to destroy the new system, I consider ripple as a trap to destroy the crypto market. I am thankful to Crypto which was created by Mr. Satoshi. The world is controlled by 1% of the world population. all others serve for them. Crypto can change this unfair system. So I cannot support someone who is against crypto...that's all.