Without a fee it will very likely go through, but the fee expedites things.
Could you please answer to my "EDIT" question and also If I receive my bitcoins from blockchain.info to 5 different addresses my balance on bitcoin qt will show total sum of all bitcoins I have on all the addresses? And If I want to send funds to other person he would receive the funds equally spread from all my 5 addresses?
You could create an address and use it a bunch, it will work. However it starts to get hard to keep track of all the money when they keep going through the same address. There is also a privacy issue. Suppose I pay you with that address. Like anyone, I can check the balance of that "addy" at blockexplorer.com or elsewhere. If you use a new addy each time then no one will know your balance because it will be spread across a bunch of seemingly unrelated addresses. A business might value this more than you. And some businesses go with one addy per customer, for example. For an individual it may not matter much, but it does help with book keeping. Does that help?
Ok, got It, thanks.
Thanks for your detailed explanation. So It can generate 100 addresses maximum? So when you have done 100 transaction you have to use the same addresses over again for the second, third time ect..?
Sorry if that was confusing. No it just has allready made you 100 addresses. It can make as much as you want.
Thank you, understood