I quote here the answer of BitMaxz, in case the topic created in Bitcoin Discussion is deleted as it is not post in the good forum's section.
I'm not expert on this unit but have you check the guide from kano.is check the link below under chip frequencies it talks about nonce.
- https://kano.is/gekko.php
So I think you are trying to overclock the unit? Try the config from this post below
- https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.61534077
Can you please explain and give more details about what you are trying to achieve ?
There is no need to "edit nonce range" to use a R909. The link provided by BitMaxz (https://kano.is/gekko.php) will give you all the necessary things IMO, but if you want to do something experimental, please explain it to us, in order to be helped.