Not a bad idea but why not tell them the real deal, why not teach them about their finance and privacy from the early begining. I'm not talking about when they're still babies but from when they have begin to know their left from their right. Keep the stories for when you're doing story telling and be serious to teach them about Bitcoin when you're teaching them finances. Alot of us weren't taught about finaces from an early age that's why were weren't money oriented until our adulthood which was a bit late.
We shouldn't make the same mistakes to our children. We should make them know liability from assets and teach them how to invest and not saving (which was what a majority of us were just taught). We have to give our children an advantage so their path to succeed becomes more clearer. Bitcoin stories are just stories, when investing in Real estate,, nobody tells you their stories but focus on the most important things one need to know about the industry so the same thing should be done about Bitcoin. Teach your children how to hodl, how to DCA and how to secure their investment with the right wallets that are open source and non custodial.
Children should learn about Bitcoin from a very young age. They should learn how to hodl, the art of DCA, and most importantly, how to keep their digital funds safe with strong, open-source wallets. Not only are we getting them ready for the future, we are also giving them the tools they need to succeed in a world where digital monies are becoming more common. Don't just tell our kids stories about money; teach them facts about it too. This way, they'll be ready for the complicated world of money today.