I have solved voting using the Bitcoin blockchain at bitpools.com. Using Bitcoin it becomes the most secure voting mechanism in the world.
I did not, however, set it up so that you are just voting for a new master.
It is set up so that you can vote for how your money is spent, using your money as your vote.
Can you explain how you sat this up? Would your system be able to meet the requirements of Anonymity (because government should not know how you, personally, vote) and Verifiability (because if votes are collected in a database then its possible to change the votes, if you can count the real votes then this isnt possible).
I mean especially if someone has an idea how this can be done in detail.
I doubt anarchism is a way for the future. People are probably thousands of years away of being able to life that way. Even nowadays anarchists use things produced by others though mostly dont produce much of worth from their side. If everyone would life like those anarchists try to life then it would not work definitely.
The truth is that the State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt its citizens… Henceforth, I shall never serve any government anywhere.
The state is a conspiracy of some kind at the moment. Though its still better than some single mighty person that can rule how he wishes. But its still not nearly perfect because governments, who should be the focus of citizens will, are doing what they want. Too often against the will of the citizens.
At the end the government should be "the citizens", which mean they are the ones that rule and say whats going to happen.