
Topic: Bitcoin, the Movie - final scene (Read 515 times)

Activity: 1638
Merit: 1001
October 29, 2013, 09:33:13 AM
Close up on a keyboard and monitor.  An unseen person, the LONE TYPIST, played by the hands of Jason Alexander,  sits and begins typing, his hands rapidly entering digits into a bitcoint-gt GUI.

CUT to a massive control room, dominated by a giant screen showing the blockchain, recent transactions, top wallets and balances, and the BTC/USD exchange rate. Dozens of men monitor consoles and move images on and off the screen. 

CUT to hands of LONE TYPIST.  He hits "enter".  His monitor shows "TRANSACTION COMPLETE" and a long list of BTC addresses with massive balances.  As the camera watches, the balances  begin to decrease, each address going to zero.  This process will last for several minutes as the camera cuts back and forth from this monitor.

CUT to control room.  Unnoticed, the BTC/USD exchange rate dips slightly.  One of the top wallet addresses suddenly highlights red, and a soft alarm rings throughout the room.  People look up, surprised.

CUT to closeup of GMAXWELL, played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman

                                                                         Wait, isn't that ......?

CUT to closeup of GAVIN ANDRESEN, played by Gary Oldman

                                                                              GAVIN ANDRESEN
                                                                          It can't be.... can it?

CUT to BTC/USD exhange rate, starting to drop faster.

CUT to LONE TYPIST'S monitor.  Several of his onscreen wallet balances have fallen to zero, and several more are dropping.

CUT to control room.   Several top addresses on the control room screen are now flashing red.

CUT to closeup of TOODUMBFORBITCOIN, played by Brad Pitt, watching the control room screen.

                                                                                  It's Satoshi.

CUT  to control room screen.  All previous images disappear, to be replaced by the LONE TYPIST, played by George Takei, looking directly through the fourth wall into the control room.

                                                                        LONE TYPIST
                                               Greetings from the genesis block, my friends. 

                                                                         Who are you?

                                                                            LONE TYPIST
                                 You know who I am, as surely as you know the Merkle root of Block number 459027.

                                                              Prove it!  Prove you're him!!

                                                                             LONE TYPIST
                                 And tell me Gregory, how can I do that?  How can I prove I'm Satoshi Nakamoto?


(to be continued)


So, smart people, how can Satoshi Nakamoto prove he is Satoshi Nakamoto, in the flesh?

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