I assume that only those who have upgraded the firmware that enables the recovery feature would be at risk? I don't know if it is even possible to determine whether this feature has always existed (even in older versions of the firmware), given that there are users who use the old Nano S and think they are safe.
Let's think about the timeline.
Ledger announced their key extraction service ("Ledger Recover") in spring 2023.
Think about how long it must have taken to put that project together. It had to have been at least two years, bare minimum. They had to find companies to partner with. All three companies had to write the contracts that all three companies lawyers could agree to. That had to be a huge task given the amount of money and Bitcoin involved. They had to create the system for storing and retrieving user seeds over the internet. They had to design a system for securing that data, which is hopefully more secure than anything Ledger's already used since Ledger has been hacked multiple times, which means Ledger's security isn't good enough - but now they need security for three companies. They had to create a system for user verification. The more you think about it, the more complicated it all is.
They had to write and test all of the code for it.
This isn't the sort of project you whip out in a week, or even a month.
And yet, Ledger was still saying this, days before announcing Ledger Recover:
"Your keys are always stored on your device and never leave it"
> --btchip, Ledger Co-Founder, on May 14th, 2023
That was obviously a lie. Ledger was saying your keys never leave your device while they were working on code to extract your keys from your Ledger device over the internet.
They're liars. Period.
And after Ledger Recover was announced, that same guy said:
"There's no backdoor and I obviously can't prove it"
> --btchip, Ledger owner & co-founder
He obviously can't prove it because the code is closed source. Trezor and ColdCard can prove what their code does. Their code is open and published for all to see.
So, it doesn't matter if Ledger says none of the key extraction code is on a Nano S, because (A) Ledger lies, and (B) Ledger can't prove anything they say.
Ledger is a bad company. They cannot be trusted.